Android Consulting Services

Are you still hesitating on how to build your own mobile application? devabit definitely knows the answer! Android consulting services have led many businesses to success. Be one of them!

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Android Consulting Services: A Complete Process of Cooperation

We know that the development process may seem quite complicated. But at devabit, everything is much simpler! Here are four initial stages of our cooperation process:

1 In-Depth Discovery & Consulting

We always start with a deep understanding of your business. This stage of Android consulting services is all about learning how your business works, what makes it unique, and the challenges it can face. We communicate a lot with your team to explore what your goals and dreams are. Our experts give advice on how to handle the tricky issues of doing business on Android and check to see if the strategy really works, making sure they fit with what you want in the long run. By the end of this stage, you will have a plan that puts you on solid ground for everything that comes next.

2 Strategic Planning & Roadmapping

With all the information from the first stage, we then make a plan and figure out how to turn those insights into actions. We lay out a clear plan for your Android project, choosing the right tech and setting goals we can actually hit. Thinking about risks and the tech stack needed, planning when things should happen, and what we want to achieve are all part of this process. We make sure the tech plan assists your business in reaching its goals, so the hard work really pays off. This careful planning helps minimize problems and gets the most out of the next steps.

3 Design Validation & Prototyping

After planning, we move on to making designs and prototypes. This is when your ideas start to look real. Our design team works closely with you to make prototypes that show off your vision and meet your business needs. We make sure they look amazing, work well, and are easy to use. By constantly bringing changes and refining the designs, we make them better with your feedback. We also check the designs to make sure they can actually be built and used. Our goal is to have a prototype that guides the building process, helping avoid costly changes down the road.

4 Project Development & Support

Once we have a good plan, we start developing your Android app. Our team of Android experts gets to work, bringing your app to life. Of course, we always communicate with you during this time. If you have new ideas, questions, or want to change something, we are here to listen and help. We always keep you updated and make sure everything is going just how you want it. We also keep checking and testing everything as we go to make sure your app is top-notch. When we are done, you will have an awesome Android app ready to show the world!

Android Consulting Services We Are Excellent at

Experience the difference with devabit’s Ruby consulting tech stack. We promise that there is nothing we are not capable of. Choose the service you need, and let’s start our journey.
  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • Kotlin Coroutines
  • RxJava
  • Analytics: Firebase Crashlytics, Firebase & Segment Analytics
  • New Relic
  • Retrofit
  • Android Architecture Components
  • Google Libraries: Lifecycle, ViewPager2, Flexbox View

Dedicated developers

Hire expert developers fast and easy

Our service include:

  • Developers onboarding
  • 5-step talent selection process
  • Staffing in under 1 month
  • Administration
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Why to Choose Android Consulting Services at devabit

With such a variety of Android consulting companies in the market, it is hard to make the right choice. Fortunately, at devabit, we try to keep things as simple as possible. And that is why:

01/ Customized Innovation

At devabit, we understand that different industries face their own challenges and have the opportunities to shine. We skip the one-size-fits-all solutions. We start by really digging into what makes your industry tick, your goals, and what you are up against. Then we ask our tech professionals to put together Android apps that do not just bring something new to the table but are also made just for you. No matter if you work in healthcare, finance, retail, or any other area, our apps aim to meet your industry's specific needs, assisting your Android project in making an immediate splash and growing over time.

02/ Easy Integration with Existing Systems

Bringing a new Android app into your current tech setup can seem tough, but we are really good at it. At devabit, we look at your IT setup from all angles and work closely with your team to catch every detail. Our Android specialists are great at making solutions that fit perfectly into your daily work, boosting your whole digital setup's performance. We are careful planners to keep your business running without any issues while we add your new app, making sure it fits in without messing up your flow. This smart move lets you dodge usual snags and get the most from your new app.

03/ Focus on Future-Proofing Your Business

In today's world, everything moves quickly, especially with emerging technology. Just making mobile apps for today is not enough; you have to look forward and plan for tomorrow. At devabit, making sure your projects are ready for the future is what we do best, especially when it comes to Android apps. We use the newest tech like AI, machine learning, the Internet of Things, and cloud services. This way, your project can grow and change with new trends and ideas. We also watch out for new rules and industry standards so your app stays ahead and keeps up with the competition.

04/ Collaborative Consulting Process

At devabit, we are all about being open and working together. We always consider the best way to get desired results to be by working closely with you and your team. Right from the start, we make sure we talk clearly, keeping you in the loop at every stage. We share updates, how the project is going, and always have time to discuss any worries or changes you are thinking about. This way, we build trust and make sure the final project is exactly what you want and need for your business. By working together, you are more than just a client to us; you are a key part of making the project successful.

Android Consulting Services: Projects We Are Pride of

There is no doubt that real cases speak louder than words. Through the years of hard work, our team has developed lots of applications for various industries. Take a look at some of them:

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Android Consulting Services: Choose Your Cooperation Model

Considering the unique structure of every business, our team has developed several cooperation models to meet the needs of every project. Choose the best one for you!

Dedicated Team

If you need to work together for a long time and want to have full control over how things are done, our Dedicated Team model is just what you need. We give you your own group of top-notch Android experts, designers, and project leaders who focus only on making your idea come to life. You get to guide them directly, making sure everything matches your vision and aims perfectly. This setup is great for big, complex projects that keep growing, so you can add more people as needed. It keeps high quality and constant communication, almost like having an extra part of your own team.

Time & Material

When your project's needs keep changing or you are not quite sure what tech stack it will involve, our Time & Material model can adapt with you. This plan counts the actual work and stuff involved for your project, so you only pay for what you need. It is a perfect opportunity when you are still figuring out your plans or want to try out a few ideas before deciding. You can change the project’s scope and how much you spend as you go, making sure you always get the most for your money.

Fixed Cost

For projects with clear plans and a set list of things to do, our Fixed Cost model is an ideal choice! It keeps things simple and certain. We discuss the total price at the beginning, based on your needs and business objectives. This is great if you have to stick to a specific budget and timetable. With this plan, you do not have to worry about surprise costs or delays. We promise to get your project done right, on time, and within your budget, giving you a top-notch Android project without any fuss.

FAQs about Android Consulting Services

Android consulting helps businesses get expert advice for their Android projects. It is there from the start, whether you are thinking about making a new app or want to improve an existing one. The goal of Android consulting is to make sure your project performs well from day one. In simple terms, Android consulting means working with people who really know the Android system, its tech, and everything about mobiles.

Android consulting experts join your team, figure out what your business needs, who it wants to reach, and any problems you might have. They help you set clear goals, pick the best tech, and plan out how to build your app.

Also, Android consulting is key in dealing with the tricky parts of making an app. The Android consulting experts are there to fix problems, make sure your new app works well with your existing system, and keep your app running easily. They also keep up with the latest in Android to guarantee that your project is not just for now but also ready for the future.

Moreover, Android consulting is about making sure your tech plans help your business perform better. It is about making choices that help you grow, work more efficiently, and make your users satisfied.

No matter what business you are in, Android consulting can turn your ideas into successful Android apps that can grow. To sum up, Android consulting guides you at every step of your Android project, giving you the advice and know-how to get the best results.

Picking the best Android consulting services for your mobile app is super important. It can really make or break how well your app performs. Here are some reasons to consider when choosing the right Android consulting company.

First, know which features your app needs and what you want it to do. Are you starting a new app or improving an old one? Do you need help with planning, designing, or building the app, or maybe all three? Knowing what you need helps you find the right help.

Then, check out the experience of the Android consulting company. You need someone who is really good with Android consulting and has done great work before, maybe even in your kind of business. This helps professionals get what challenges you are facing. They should be up-to-date with the latest Android consulting tools and ways to do things.

Plus, Android consulting specialists should think ahead, like how to use AI or connect your app with other tech. You need someone who can make your app ready for the future. Price matters, but it is not just about going cheap. Think about what you are getting for your money. The best choice gives you great quality and tech, making your money well-spent.

Do not skip asking around or looking up what others say about an Android consulting company. Good words from others can tell you a lot about their work and if they are trustworthy.

By thinking over these points, you can find the Android consulting that fits your app's needs and helps it perform really well. Taking your time to find the Android consulting partner is worth it for a top-notch Android app.

Android consulting services can be really helpful in a lot of different business areas. Let us tell you more about some industries where Android consulting can make a big difference.

  • Android Consulting for Healthcare

Healthcare professionals and hospitals are using more tech these days to take care of patients better, make features run easily, and keep all the patient data safe. Android consulting can assist in making easy-to-use apps for keeping track of patient health, communicating with doctors from far away, and checking on health issues. With the help of Android consulting, you can be sure your app works well with the hospital's current workflow and follows all the privacy rules, making everything better for patients and doctors.

  • Android Consulting for Finance and Banking

For the banking industry, it is super important to stay safe, work all the time, and be easy for customers to use. Android consulting professionals can assist in making banking apps that keep money safe, work well, and are easy and trustworthy for everyone to use. They make sure these apps are really secure, connect well with other bank systems, and make customers satisfied and loyal.

  • Android Consulting for Retail and eCommerce

Shops and online stores are using mobile apps quite often to connect with customers and sell different products. Android professionals can make well-performed shopping apps, with a variety of tools and features that keep customers coming back. They know all about the latest shopping trends on mobiles, how to make the shopping experience better for customers, how to sell more products, and how to gather shopping data to grow the business.

  • Android Consulting for Education and eLearning

There are so many new features in the eLearing world now, and Android consulting can help schools, universities, and online learning places make great apps for learning and teaching. Android developers can build apps that are fun and easy to use for students and teachers, with features like live videos, quizzes, and lessons tailored to each student. This makes learning way better and more captivating.

  • Android Consulting for Logistics and Supply Chain

In the world of constant shipping, having fast, up-to-date tech solutions is key. Android consulting specialists can develop unique apps for tracking in real time, managing what is in stock, and keeping in touch with drivers and warehouse staff. They also give advice on making these apps work well with the business's current systems, making sure the tech can grow and change as the business does.

In all these areas, Android consulting services can be a game-changer, assisting in making mobile applications that really meet what customers and businesses need.

Android consulting and standard Android development services are both very important for the creation of successful Android applications, but they have distinct purposes and involve different approaches.

There are two ways of working on Android projects: creating the big plan and actually building the app. When you work with an Android consulting company, they help you see the big picture. They learn about your business goals, the market you are in, and what technology you need. They give you advice on the best ways to make your project work, like choosing the right technology and figuring out risks.

But when it comes to making all that advice into a real app, that is where Android developers come in. They take all the ideas and plans from the consultants and start coding and building the app.

Android consultants are also great problem solvers. They help you get through tough spots, whether it is tech troubles, mixing new tech with old, or making sure your app fits with your business plans. They know a lot from their experience and can spot problems and chances to make your project better for the future.

On the flip side, Android developers focus on building the app itself. They use their tech skills to make the app work, following the consultants' plan. Consultants can also offer custom and new ideas for your app. They really get into what makes your business and your app users unique. They can suggest new tech and ideas to make your app stand out. While developers can also come up with new things, their main job is to make the consultants' creative ideas work in the actual app.

Another big difference is how long they stick around. With consultants, you get ongoing help. They keep giving advice and making changes as your app and the business world change. But with developers, it is usually just for the project. They build, test, and hand over the app. They might help update it later, but their main job ends when the app is done.

For sure!

Android consulting can really help when you are trying to add new tools or features to what you already use. Mixing in new features can be tricky. It is not just about knowing tech stuff but also getting how your setup and goals work. Consultants look at what you have, find any tricky spots, and make sure the new app will fit right in.

They create a special plan just for you, focusing on moving data easily, setting up connections, and making sure everything works as it is needed. As they put the plan into action, consultants are there to sort out any problems, like older systems acting up, keeping data in line, or keeping things secure.

Their main goal is to add the new features without messing up how you already perform. Plus, they keep an eye on issues after, tweaking and refining to keep it all running perfectly. This ongoing help means the new setup works well now and can adjust to what you might need later.

Using Android consulting means you can handle adding new features and tools without stress. You will get the new app that fits your systems, making performance run better and helping you meet your goals.

Getting started with devabit is as simple as possible!

Firstly, just contact us through our website to set up a live conversation. During our consultation, we will talk about what you want to achieve, any problems you are facing, and what special things you might need. This helps us understand the best way to assist you.

Then, we will create a custom plan for you, showing what we will do next, how long it will take, and what we will need. Once you say yes, our team of experienced Android developers will start working to build an application that fits your business goals and helps your Android project succeed!

Do not waste time on hesitation!

Contact us right now and let us build a mobile application of your dreams!



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What Happens Next?

We get in touch with you within one business day to gather your unique requirements
Next, we sign an NDA to ensure your product concept is protected
Last but not least, we provide a detailed estimate, highlighting the timeline, cost, and deliverables of our fruitful cooperation