Fantastic Digital Characters for 3D Printing App

An app that enables its users to produce toys with 3D printers

About the Customer

Toggle Toy is an interactive platform that allows creating a toy by assembling determined parts sets.

Toggle Toy users can design and color a toy according to their tastes and preferences. Later these models can be printed on a 3D printer.

Also, registered users can pick up avatars, view saved toys, name and share them, etc. App users can order their toys to be printed by the Toogle Toy team or download files to print them themselves.

Toogle toy project by devabit

Client from:





12 months

Business Challenge

Our engineers have combined three platforms – Unity 3D, iOS, and .Net server side.

We drew toy models in 3ds Max, and an FBX model of every part resulted from this process. The main challenge was integrating the FBX-formatted parts into a system since Unity doesn’t provide a dynamic import of graphic objects.

Hence, we came up with automated file pre-processing prior to importing them to Unity for displaying. Also, our team designed an algorithm for 3D model optimization to enhance the app performance.

Enjoy the Endless Benefits

  1. 3D technologies save time and money, making costly photoshoots needless.
  2. Elegant 3D models can perfectly display the details of your characters.
  3. Fantastic creatures digitized with robust 3D technologies.

How We Did It

  1. Conducting research & collecting ideas
  2. 3D modeling
  3. 3D rendering
  4. Long-term partnership

Value Delivered

From the technical side, devabit team opened new horizons to porting an app to the web.

With the MVP ready, our customer conducted research with 1000 children of the target age group (3-10 years old). The research reported the application is intuitive, easy to use, and user-friendly.

As a result, our customer got a stable application that works fast and smoothly on all mobile platforms.

Toogle toy 3D character 3 by devabit
Toogle toy 3D character by devabit
Toogle toy 3D character 5 by devabit
Toogle toy 3D character 6 by devabit

Toggle Toy

Consumers are getting more interested in interactive toys, production of which is related to cheap, convenient, and user-friendly 3D printing.

What Customers Say About Us

"The level of their service is outstanding. The devabit team fully enjoys designing and developing. Therefore, you always get high-quality solutions as a result. They are able to research and analyze your needs at a deep level and offer well-aligned solutions."

Anton Mishchenko
CEO and Co-founder

End-to-end development

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Our services include:

  • UI design
  • Web & mobile development
  • Product management
  • Quality assurance
  • DevOps and Cloud

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Customer's Quote

"It was a pleasure for us to work with the devabit team. They have proven their expertise by producing highly qualitative solutions for us. devabit experts helped us avoid costly and timely photo shoots of the jewelry by providing high-quality 3D renders. As we work with retailers, it was crucial for us to find an effective way of communication with them and automate operational processes".

Quote person
Sofie Langebæk

Digital Development Manager at Shamballa